January JBQ

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  The month has flown by I’m sorry I should have already sent this email.

The January Meet will be on January 4th .I know finding time to meet with teams and study during the holidays is hard.  Do we want to think about cutting the January meet in the future?  The main disadvantage is that there would be more questions to learn the other months. The questions would be divided over 4 meets instead of 5.  I thought I would throw the question out there and get some opinions.

Please let your area coordinator know by December 30th if you plan to attend the meet and how many teams you will have in each division.   It would also be great if you could email one official per team and if they can be a QM or a SK and what division they prefer.  Your second official will be your traveling judge and we don’t need their name. 

The Central Area meet will be at Seacy First and we are meeting from 9:30 to 12:30 .  The time change is for the teams traveling.   Email cylindaspoon79@gmail.com

The West Area will be at Adkins First Assembly and the meet will start at 9:30.  Please email your information to the new West Area Coordinator,  Victoria Heaton.  vdheaton@gmail.com  We appreciate her stepping in and helping with the West Area. 

Central Area Only:

Our Candy bar verse for January is Question # 542.  Psalm 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.  
