Happy New Year! Tuesday, January 7 is our monthly day of prayer for Junior Bible Quiz. “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11. Our God has a plan: a beautiful plan for each of us at the perfect time. Pray for us to be filled with His Spirit, pray for us to be filled with His wisdom, pray for us to be filled with His love so that we can fulfill His good plan for us throughout 2025. God’s plan is not for His children to be suffering from sickness or disease. There are several JBQ leaders across the country who need God’s healing touch. As we pray for JBQ, please pray for healing as well for those who need it. May God overwhelm all of you with His blessings in 2025 and beyond.